Photo Exhibitions in Finland 2023

Photos from Puntala-Rock
Nuottiparvi, Espoon Kulttuurikeskus
Tapiola, Espoo

Punk photos
Pirkkalan kirjaston musiikkiosasto

July 2023, Jokela

November 2023, Vaasa City Library, Vaasa

2024, Keskisuomen Museo, Jyväskylä

The coming year starts actively with two exhibitions based on Peter Rosvik's pictures. One is on display in Espoo's cultural center in Tapiola and the other in Pirkkala's library.  

A very good reason to indulge in (nearby) travel, because Peter's photos are damn fine, documenting moments and feelings.

Peter spent his childhood in the suburbs of Stockholm, and returned to Finland in the early 1980s. He attended an art school in Uusikaarlepyy, after which his works have been exhibited in Finland and since the 2000 also internationally. In 2017, Peter moved to Gothenburg, where he currently lives and works.

In his art, Peter works on identity, based on his own life story. An important part is moving between two countries and between rural and urban life. Since 2016, photography has taken on a significant role in his work. At first the photographs were sketches for performance art, but now they have a stronger documentary element.

The images documented at gigs and events, thus passing on a visual cultural heritage to future generations. Peter uses the visual language of punk and protest movements. For him, it is not a borrowed aesthetic, but he works from within the scene.

In addition to Peter's pictures, there is more happening on the exhibition front. There would be an exhibition in Jokela through July, in fact until the Närkästysjuhlat in August. In September in Seinäjoki together with Lakeus Punk ry and then in November in Vaasa, with the theme Jantsa and Toinen Vaihtoehto. There are others in the works, but more information about them will be added when it is confirmed.




16§10: Dyrka Döden Del 1